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    Electron acceleration in a coil target-driven low-β magnetic

    Magnetic reconnection driven by a capacitor coil target is an innovative way to investigate low-β magnetic reconnection in the laboratory, where β is the ratio of particle thermal pressure to magnetic pressure.Low-β magnetic reconnection frequently occurs in the Earth’s magnetosphere, where the plasma is characterized by β ≲ 0.01.In Electron acceleration in a coil target-driven low-β magneticMagnetic reconnection driven by a capacitor coil target is an innovative way to investigate low-β magnetic reconnection in the laboratory, where β is the ratio of particle thermal pressure to magnetic pressure.Low-β magnetic reconnection frequently occurs in the Earth’s magnetosphere, where the plasma is characterized by β ≲ 0.01.In



    吴福源,物理与天文学院助理研究员,上海市浦江人才计划获得者,主要从事机器学习辅助的激光聚变理论模拟、实验设计和数据分析研究 ,特别是激光聚变双锥对撞点火方案(dci方案)的物理设计和实验分析。. 2012年毕业于西安交通大学,获学士学位。 上海交通大学激光等离子体教育部重点实验室吴福源,物理与天文学院助理研究员,上海市浦江人才计划获得者,主要从事机器学习辅助的激光聚变理论模拟、实验设计和数据分析研究 ,特别是激光聚变双锥对撞点火方案(dci方案)的物理设计和实验分析。. 2012年毕业于西安交通大学,获学士学位。


    Integrated Systems Analysis Explores Dysfunctional Molecular PubMed

    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder involving multiple genes that occurs in early childhood, and a number of risk genes have been reported in previous studies. However, the molecular mechanism of the polygenic regulation leading to pathological changes in ASD rema Integrated Systems Analysis Explores Dysfunctional Molecular PubMedAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder involving multiple genes that occurs in early childhood, and a number of risk genes have been reported in previous studies. However, the molecular mechanism of the polygenic regulation leading to pathological changes in ASD rema



    SuperELLE邀请了出生于千禧年年初的新生代偶像BOYHOOD陈鑫昊 ,重现Teen Pop光辉。. 紫色宽松短袖、紫色宽松长裤. 白色双肩包、项链 均为 Givenchy. 护目镜 Moncler. 出生于2002年的陈鑫昊,目前不仅是乐华男团 BOYHOOD成员,还是一名演员。. 从2022年9月携组合单曲 《园地 听听“开心果”陈鑫昊的千禧记忆_SuperELLE_白色_偶像SuperELLE邀请了出生于千禧年年初的新生代偶像BOYHOOD陈鑫昊 ,重现Teen Pop光辉。. 紫色宽松短袖、紫色宽松长裤. 白色双肩包、项链 均为 Givenchy. 护目镜 Moncler. 出生于2002年的陈鑫昊,目前不仅是乐华男团 BOYHOOD成员,还是一名演员。. 从2022年9月携组合单曲 《园地


    ‪Jiayong Zhong‬ ‪Google Scholar‬

    ‪Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University‬ ‪‪Cited by 1,256‬‬ ‪Laboratory Astrophysics‬ ‪Jiayong Zhong‬ ‪Google Scholar‬‪Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University‬ ‪‪Cited by 1,256‬‬ ‪Laboratory Astrophysics‬



    jiayong-zhong. 5月25日 17:20 已编辑. SuperELLE-YOUTH IN MOTION. 将朋克元素与街头风格服饰混搭融合,重塑朋克青年新形象。. 永不服输的叛逆精神依旧自由前行。. 摄影: @许永聪YoonChong. 造型: @jiayong-zhong. 化妆:DAN. jiayong-zhong的微博_微博jiayong-zhong. 5月25日 17:20 已编辑. SuperELLE-YOUTH IN MOTION. 将朋克元素与街头风格服饰混搭融合,重塑朋克青年新形象。. 永不服输的叛逆精神依旧自由前行。. 摄影: @许永聪YoonChong. 造型: @jiayong-zhong. 化妆:DAN.


    Yapeng ZHANG (0000-0002-5102-2096) ORCID

    ORCID record for Yapeng ZHANG. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. Yapeng ZHANG (0000-0002-5102-2096) ORCIDORCID record for Yapeng ZHANG. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.



    肖传乐 ,中山大学 中山眼科中心副研究员 , 广东省杰出青年基金获得者, 硕士生导师。. 个人简介. 肖传乐,博士,广东省杰出青年基金获得者,中山大学中山眼科中心副研究员,中山大学人工智能学院兼职导师,眼科学国家重点实验室独立pi。 中山大学人工智能学院肖传乐 ,中山大学 中山眼科中心副研究员 , 广东省杰出青年基金获得者, 硕士生导师。. 个人简介. 肖传乐,博士,广东省杰出青年基金获得者,中山大学中山眼科中心副研究员,中山大学人工智能学院兼职导师,眼科学国家重点实验室独立pi。


    Yongli PING Beijing Normal University, Beijing bnu Department

    Yongli Ping. Weiming An. Magnetic reconnection driven by a capacitor coil target is an innovative way to investigate low-β magnetic reconnection in the laboratory, where β is the ratio of Yongli PING Beijing Normal University, Beijing bnu Department Yongli Ping. Weiming An. Magnetic reconnection driven by a capacitor coil target is an innovative way to investigate low-β magnetic reconnection in the laboratory, where β is the ratio of


    Reconnection rate and multi-scale relativistic magnetic

    We adopt a similar configuration to the previously reported magnetic reconnection driven by ultra-intense femtosecond lasers [] simulated by a fully 3D relativistic particle-in-cell (PIC) code (KLAP) [42, 43].Two CP lasers are incident to the plasma target in the z-direction.The incident laser pulse has a rising front of two laser cycles followed by a Reconnection rate and multi-scale relativistic magnetic We adopt a similar configuration to the previously reported magnetic reconnection driven by ultra-intense femtosecond lasers [] simulated by a fully 3D relativistic particle-in-cell (PIC) code (KLAP) [42, 43].Two CP lasers are incident to the plasma target in the z-direction.The incident laser pulse has a rising front of two laser cycles followed by a



    两个月前,青年演员@丞磊 因饰演《云之羽》中宫尚角一角火速出圈,社交媒体上,他的早期视频被网友“考古”,“丞磊精神状态”“丞磊演我”等词条频登热搜。 问他如何看待自己的精神状态,丞磊双手交握,手肘撑在膝上,视线落在化妆间一角的行李箱上:“一是意识流;二是一颗野生的心 jiayong-zhong的微博_微博两个月前,青年演员@丞磊 因饰演《云之羽》中宫尚角一角火速出圈,社交媒体上,他的早期视频被网友“考古”,“丞磊精神状态”“丞磊演我”等词条频登热搜。 问他如何看待自己的精神状态,丞磊双手交握,手肘撑在膝上,视线落在化妆间一角的行李箱上:“一是意识流;二是一颗野生的心


    Yongli Ping (0000-0002-3240-3387) ORCID

    Three-dimensional fast magnetic reconnection driven by relativistic ultraintense femtosecond lasers. Physical Review E. Journal article. DOI: 10.1103/physreve.89.031101. Part of ISSN: 1539-3755. Part of ISSN: 1550-2376. Show more detail. Source : Yongli Ping. Yongli Ping (0000-0002-3240-3387) ORCIDThree-dimensional fast magnetic reconnection driven by relativistic ultraintense femtosecond lasers. Physical Review E. Journal article. DOI: 10.1103/physreve.89.031101. Part of ISSN: 1539-3755. Part of ISSN: 1550-2376. Show more detail. Source : Yongli Ping.


    Chuan-Le Xiao (0000-0002-4680-0682) ORCID

    High-throughput Pore-C reveals the single-allele topology polymorphism and cell type specificity of 3D genome folding. Preprint. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1761017/v1. Contributors : Chuan-Le Xiao; Jiayong Zhong; Longjian Niu; Zhuobin Lin; Xin Bai; Ying Chen; Feng Luo; Chunhui Hou. Show more detail. Chuan-Le Xiao (0000-0002-4680-0682) ORCIDHigh-throughput Pore-C reveals the single-allele topology polymorphism and cell type specificity of 3D genome folding. Preprint. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1761017/v1. Contributors : Chuan-Le Xiao; Jiayong Zhong; Longjian Niu; Zhuobin Lin; Xin Bai; Ying Chen; Feng Luo; Chunhui Hou. Show more detail.


    Low-β magnetic reconnection driven by the intense lasers

    environment around the bottom of the coils. The magnetic field was measured by a B-dot probe, which was comprised of two 1.05mm diameter differential induction coils, and placed Low-β magnetic reconnection driven by the intense lasersenvironment around the bottom of the coils. The magnetic field was measured by a B-dot probe, which was comprised of two 1.05mm diameter differential induction coils, and placed


    Machine-learning guided optimization of laser pulses for direct

    2 Method. A schematic of the DCI target structure and the drive laser pulse is illustrated in Figure 1.The target is made of a CH plastic shell (C 16 H 16).The target structure described by the inner radius R 1 and the outer radius R 2 remains unchanged in this paper, although it can be included as an independent variable. The laser pulse shape is described by 13 Machine-learning guided optimization of laser pulses for direct 2 Method. A schematic of the DCI target structure and the drive laser pulse is illustrated in Figure 1.The target is made of a CH plastic shell (C 16 H 16).The target structure described by the inner radius R 1 and the outer radius R 2 remains unchanged in this paper, although it can be included as an independent variable. The laser pulse shape is described by 13


    A Martin-Puplett interferometer (MPI) optical polarimeter

    PMID: 37012817. DOI: 10.1063/5.0117820. Spontaneous and external magnetic fields interacting with plasmas are essential in high-energy-density and magnetic confinement fusion physics. Measuring these magnetic fields, especially their topologies, is crucial. This paper develops a new type of optical polarimeter based on the Martin A Martin-Puplett interferometer (MPI) optical polarimeterPMID: 37012817. DOI: 10.1063/5.0117820. Spontaneous and external magnetic fields interacting with plasmas are essential in high-energy-density and magnetic confinement fusion physics. Measuring these magnetic fields, especially their topologies, is crucial. This paper develops a new type of optical polarimeter based on the Martin


    Jiayong ZHONG IAU

    Donate to the IAU. General Assembly 2024. IAU Strategic Plan 2020–2030. IAU Code of Conduct. Symposia and Meetings. Membership. Deceased Members. Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference Jiayong ZHONG IAUDonate to the IAU. General Assembly 2024. IAU Strategic Plan 2020–2030. IAU Code of Conduct. Symposia and Meetings. Membership. Deceased Members. Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference


    Machine-learning guided optimization of laser pulses for direct

    3 between adjacent points ([dt1, dt2,,dt12]) rather than the time of each point ([t2, t2,,t13]) are used to describe the laser pulse shape. The laser pulse optimization for a given drive energy can be written as Machine-learning guided optimization of laser pulses for direct 3 between adjacent points ([dt1, dt2,,dt12]) rather than the time of each point ([t2, t2,,t13]) are used to describe the laser pulse shape. The laser pulse optimization for a given drive energy can be written as


    Subgrouping by gene expression profiles to improve relapse

    Relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) remains a prevalent paediatric cancer and one of the most common causes of mortality from malignancy in children. Tailoring the intensity of therapy according to early stratification is a promising strategy but remains a major challenge due to heterogenei Subgrouping by gene expression profiles to improve relapse Relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) remains a prevalent paediatric cancer and one of the most common causes of mortality from malignancy in children. Tailoring the intensity of therapy according to early stratification is a promising strategy but remains a major challenge due to heterogenei


    Zhong JIAYONG Research Assistant Clinical Data Center

    Zhong JIAYONG, Research Assistant Cited by 370 | Read 37 publications Contact Zhong JIAYONG Zhong JIAYONG Research Assistant Clinical Data CenterZhong JIAYONG, Research Assistant Cited by 370 | Read 37 publications Contact Zhong JIAYONG


    Effect of the magnetization parameter on electron acceleration

    关键词: collisionless shocks, magnetic reconnection, magnetization parameter, electron acceleration Abstract: Relativistic magnetic reconnection (MR) driven by two ultra-intense lasers with different spot separation distances is simulated by a three-dimensional (3D) kinetic relativistic particle-in-cell (PIC) code.We find that changing the separation Effect of the magnetization parameter on electron acceleration 关键词: collisionless shocks, magnetic reconnection, magnetization parameter, electron acceleration Abstract: Relativistic magnetic reconnection (MR) driven by two ultra-intense lasers with different spot separation distances is simulated by a three-dimensional (3D) kinetic relativistic particle-in-cell (PIC) code.We find that changing the separation


    钟勇 华南理工大学

    钟勇,博士,现任华南理工大学吴贤铭智能工程学院副教授(特聘研究员),博士生导师。电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)member, 国际机器人与自动化协会(RAS)member, 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)member。. 在国际期刊和会议上发表相关论文50余篇,申请了20余 钟勇 华南理工大学钟勇,博士,现任华南理工大学吴贤铭智能工程学院副教授(特聘研究员),博士生导师。电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)member, 国际机器人与自动化协会(RAS)member, 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)member。. 在国际期刊和会议上发表相关论文50余篇,申请了20余


    Jiayong Zhong IEEE Xplore Author Details

    Affiliations: [State Grid Chongqing Electric Power, Company Electric Power Research Institute, Chongqing, China]. Jiayong Zhong IEEE Xplore Author DetailsAffiliations: [State Grid Chongqing Electric Power, Company Electric Power Research Institute, Chongqing, China].


    钟勇 华南理工大学 吴贤铭智能工程学院 X-MOL科学

    个人简介. 钟勇,博士,现任华南理工大学吴贤铭智能工程学院助理教授(特聘研究员)。电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)member, 国际机器人与自动化协会(RAS)member, 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)member。 钟勇 华南理工大学 吴贤铭智能工程学院 X-MOL科学个人简介. 钟勇,博士,现任华南理工大学吴贤铭智能工程学院助理教授(特聘研究员)。电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)member, 国际机器人与自动化协会(RAS)member, 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)member。


    Jia-Yong ZHANG Professor (Full) PhD ResearchGate

    Jia-Yong ZHANG, Professor (Full) Cited by 1,787 of Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua Read 119 publications Contact Jia-Yong ZHANG Jia-Yong ZHANG Professor (Full) PhD ResearchGateJia-Yong ZHANG, Professor (Full) Cited by 1,787 of Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua Read 119 publications Contact Jia-Yong ZHANG


    Push and pull magnetic reconnection driven by intense laser

    Fast magnetic reconnection (MR) in plasma involves rapidly topological change and energy release of magnetic fields [1, 2] and plays important roles in astrophysical phenomena such as solar flares [3–5] and coronal mass ejections [6, 7], etc [8, 9].Experiments on MR have been performed on large plasma devices such as the Push and pull magnetic reconnection driven by intense laser Fast magnetic reconnection (MR) in plasma involves rapidly topological change and energy release of magnetic fields [1, 2] and plays important roles in astrophysical phenomena such as solar flares [3–5] and coronal mass ejections [6, 7], etc [8, 9].Experiments on MR have been performed on large plasma devices such as the


    ‪Fuyuan Wu‬ ‪Google Scholar‬

    Journal of Computational Physics 357, 206-229.,2018. 10. 2018. Numerical simulation of the interaction between Z-pinch plasma and foam converter using code MULTI (# 18353) F Wu, R Ramis, Z Li, Y Chu, J Yang, Z Wang, S Meng, Z Huang, J Ning. Fusion Science and Technology 72 (4), 726-730.,2017. ‪Fuyuan Wu‬ ‪Google Scholar‬Journal of Computational Physics 357, 206-229.,2018. 10. 2018. Numerical simulation of the interaction between Z-pinch plasma and foam converter using code MULTI (# 18353) F Wu, R Ramis, Z Li, Y Chu, J Yang, Z Wang, S Meng, Z Huang, J Ning. Fusion Science and Technology 72 (4), 726-730.,2017.


    Loop Jiayong Zhong

    Loop is the open research network that increases the discoverability and impact of researchers and their work. Loop enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and news, connect with researchers and form new collaborations. Loop Jiayong ZhongLoop is the open research network that increases the discoverability and impact of researchers and their work. Loop enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and news, connect with researchers and form new collaborations.


    叶丹 Fudan University

    叶丹. 博士,研究员,博士生导师 地址:东安路131号,科研二号楼a座3楼 电话:021-54237834 (办公室) 传真:021-54237450 叶丹 Fudan University叶丹. 博士,研究员,博士生导师 地址:东安路131号,科研二号楼a座3楼 电话:021-54237834 (办公室) 传真:021-54237450



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